Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to education
and training that focuses on delivering skills and knowledge required for specific industries.
Thuringowa State High School is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), code (30441). We do not charge fees for service, meaning VET qualifications are free.
Our senior students are offered a wide variety of nationally recognised Certificate 2 and 3 level qualifications through our VET program, in partnership with other service providers.
Vocational courses on offer at Thuringowa State High School are:
- Certificate 2 Business
- Certificate 3 Business
- Dual Certificate 2 Community Services and Health Support Services;
- Certificate 3 Health Services Assistant
- Certificate 3 Early Childhood Education and Care
- Certificate 2 Engineering Pathways
- Certificate 3 Aviation (Remote Pilot-Visual Line of Sight) and CASA Remote Pilots Licence (RePL) Certificate 2 is 1 year progressing to Certificate 3.
- Certificate 2 Engineering Pathways
- Certificate 3 Fitness
- Provide First Aid
- Certificate 2 Information, Digital Media and Technology
- Certificate 2 Automotive Servicing Technology
- Certificate 2 Automotive Electrical Technology
- Certificate 2 Community Services
- Certificate 1 Construction
- Certificate 2 Electrotechnology (career start)
- Certificate 2 Furniture Making
- Certificate 2 Health Administration
- Certificate 2 Kitchen Operations
- Certificate 2 Plumbing
- Certificate 2 Salon Assistant
- Certificate 2 Tourism
- Certificate 2 Retail Cosmetics
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of prior learning is about the skills and knowledge gained through work and life experiences.
Many of our students have part time employment, and this can be used as part of a
Recognition of Prior Learning application, towards the course requirement for such evidence.
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
Students can enrol in a study program as a trainee or apprentice in an area of interest to them. This involves attending 1 day of paid work per week and completing the appropriate training, usually Certificate 3 level, in most areas of employment.
Read more about
school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
A USI is required for students undertaking nationally recognised training (qualifications, accredited courses, skill sets and units of competency) unless exempt. If you don't have a USI you will not receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
Having a USI will allow online access to a record of training since 1 January 2015.
This is the link for students to create their
This is a very helpful
USI Quick Guide for Students
Complaints and Appeals Policy
Thuringowa State High School has a
Complaints and Appeals Policy that applies to all students studying a VET course.
Within 5 days of the end of the course (usually the end of the school year) the school will issue the certification documentation to the student.